VIP private retreats


A personal experience for singles or couples on their liberation journey

Book a consultation call here

For seekers of Liberation...


Welcome to our exclusive VIP and luxury retreats designed for singles or couples seeking to delve into the transformative world of Tantra and personal liberation.

If you're yearning for a personalized, immersive experience tailored to your schedule and preferences, look no further. Our private retreats offer a bespoke journey where you can explore Tantra, liberation, and intimacy under the expert guidance of seasoned practitioners.


I offer fully customised experiences for those who are looking for a transformational getaway designed for their unique needs and desires. 

Located in Koh Phangan, Thailand- a beautiful and highly in-demand island with gorgeous beaches, luxury villas and epic waterfalls (as well as world-famous parties, retreats and events!)

The retreat can be held here on this famous tropical island, or another part of Thailand, or possibly internationally. 

Unique, Tailored experiences

No two individuals or couples are alike, which is why we customize every aspect of your retreat to suit your unique needs and desires. From personalized sessions to handpicked activities, every moment is crafted with your ultimate satisfaction in mind.

We begin the journey with a consultation call where we get clarity on what you're looking for and begin to create a custom transformational journey for you so that you can reach your goals in our time together.

The experiences will include personal coaching and workshops with myself (and potentially my husband if you're a couple) as well as experiences on the island and potential treatments too. 


Exotic Location

Immerse yourself in the enchanting beauty of Koh Phangan, Thailand – a paradise renowned for its pristine beaches, luxurious villas, and captivating waterfalls. Nestled amidst this tropical haven, our retreats offer a sanctuary where you can rejuvenate your body, mind, and soul.

There are countless luxury villas to rent on the island, or more budget-friendly options. Whether you're looking for a modern location and experience or an eco-jungle sanctuary, I'll help you find the right location for our exploration together, 


Expert Guidance

With over 12 years experience as an event organiser, over 15+ years working with sexuality and countless retreats, workshops, coaching clients and experiences created, I have an abundance of lived experience to offer both as your guide and as the organiser of your transformational getaway. 

You can read more about my experience and work as a coach and guide here, and see some of the past retreats I've created here

Book your consultation call here

Retreats for Individuals


If you're yearning for more than just a getaway – if you're ready to embark on a profound journey of self-discovery and evolution – then our VIP retreats are your ticket to inner freedom, empowerment, and healing.

Private Tantra and liberation retreats for individuals are ideal for those who are seeking a highly personalised and impactful experience.

Whether you crave an intensive weekend immersion- diving headfirst into transformative practices and processes, or seek a longer retreat filled with enriching activities, nature excursions, and curated experiences, we're here to co-create the perfect journey with you.

Unlock the full potential of your being and awaken to a life of profound fulfillment and liberation. 

Our VIP luxury Tantric retreats are designed for individuals who are ready to embark on a deeply personal journey of self-discovery and transformation. This experience is perfect for:

  1. Seekers of Inner Freedom: If you're craving a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life to reconnect with your inner self and explore the depths of your being, this retreat is for you. Feel more authentic and free to express yourself and more connected to your spiritual heart. 

  2. Aspiring Tantric Practitioners: Whether you're new to Tantra or have some experience under your belt, our retreats offer a safe and supportive environment to deepen your practice and expand your understanding of sacred sexuality and the path of awakening.

  3. Individuals on a Healing Journey: If you're seeking healing from past traumas, emotional wounds, or relationship struggles, our retreats offer a nurturing space for healing, growth, and empowerment.

  4. Adventurous Souls: Whether you're drawn to the allure of exotic destinations or simply crave an adventure off the beaten path, our retreats combine luxury accommodation with thrilling experiences to create memories that last a lifetime.

This experience can be great for people who

  • Are unable to attend group retreats due to dates and availability issues
  • Are looking for a more high-end experience
  • Are in need of privacy and discretion 
  • Have specific issues they want to work on or desires they're longing to explore

All genders and sexualities are welcome.


No matter where you are on your journey or what you hope to achieve, our VIP luxury retreats offer a personalized and transformative experience tailored to your unique needs and aspirations

Book your consultation call and we can get started on discussing the finer details of what you'd like to create and experience. 

Learn Tantra

Have you been wanting to dive into the spiritual practice of Tantra? 

Whether you're interested in more traditional approaches for your awakening, or NeoTantra for empowering you around your sexuality and relationships, private VIP Tantra retreats are perfect for curious explorers.

Transformational Coaching


As a trained coach, I will guide you into embodied processes to help you uncover your true desires and needs, work through limiting beliefs and stories and empower you with tools and actions to move forward in your life. 

Ritual and shadow work


If desires I can create custom rituals and experiences to take you deeper into the topics you're working on and supporting your transformation, This may include bringing other practitioners into the experience.

Holistic Wellness


It's not just about the content! In your experience we'll also make sure you're eating well, having nourishing bodywork and rest, nature time and whatever else may be needed for your transformation and rejuvenation

Pricing and Booking

The cost will depend on a lot of factors like time, location, desires, budget and the like. 

The minimum price begins at €3,000 for a budget-friendly weekend retreat with no accommodation or extras included, and can go up to €50,000 for a highly luxurious week-long getaway with additional coaching support before and after.

The first step is to book the consultation call or send me an email, we then discuss the desires and needs, budget and options. After that you'll be sent a proposal and a deposit amount to confirm your booking. 

Book your consultation call

Retreats for Couples


Ready for a powerful private couples experience that will help transform your relationship? 

Private couples Tantra retreats are for open minded and curious couples who are ready to take their relationship to another level and experience profound transformation in their dynamic. 

Retreats can be anywhere from a weekend deep-dive to a powerful week-long exploration where I'll be your private relationship coach and guide to support you to a whole new depth of love, intimacy and erotic connection.

Unlock the full potential of your partnership and awaken to a life of profound fulfillment and liberation.

Our VIP luxury Tantric retreats are designed for couples who are ready to embark on a deeply personal journey of self-discovery and transformation. This experience is perfect for:

Couples Seeking Deeper Connection: If you're craving a break from the routine of daily life to reconnect with each other and explore the depths of your relationship, this retreat is for you. Rediscover the spark of passion, learn profound communication tools, and explore sacred intimacy in a nurturing environment.

Aspiring Tantric Partners: Whether you're new to Tantra as a couple or have some experience, our retreats offer a safe and supportive space to deepen your practice and explore sacred sexuality together, enhancing your bond and understanding of each other. Tantric sexuality offers us a whole world of techniques and tools that not only support us to have better sex and intimacy but awaken and heal within ourselves.

Couples on a Healing Journey: If your relationship is navigating past traumas, emotional wounds, or communication challenges, our retreats provide a healing sanctuary where you can foster growth, resilience, and empowerment as a couple. 

Adventurous Duos: Whether you're drawn to the allure of exotic destinations or simply crave an adventure, our retreats combine luxury accommodation with thrilling experiences to create unforgettable memories together.

This experience is perfect for couples who:

  • Seek exclusivity and privacy in their retreat experience
  • Desire a high-end, personalized journey tailored to their specific needs and desires
  • Long to deepen their connection, intimacy, and understanding of each other
  • Are ready to explore Tantra and sacred sexuality as a couple in a supportive environment

All genders and sexualities are welcome.

No matter where you are in your relationship journey or what you hope to achieve, our VIP luxury retreats offer a personalized and transformative experience tailored to your unique partnership.

Book your consultation call today, and let's begin creating the retreat experience of your dreams.

Learn Tantra and Sacred Sexuality

Be personally guided into powerful rituals and practices to invite you into states of ecstacy, bliss and sacred union. From full body orgasms, tantric massage, energetic penetration, sacred Kink/BDSM to partered meditations and experiences, you'll have a chance to try, ask questions and be supported in your exploration. 




What is standing in the way of the deep love and connection you crave?

We'll have coaching sessions to move through challenges, past hurt, insecurities or shame that are preventing you from experience the highest expression of love. 

Devotional Rituals


Custom-created intimate rituals and experiences will drop you into an other-worldly experience like no other.

These custom rituals will invite you to connect deeper with one another and step into devotion and loving commitment. 

Holistic Wellness


It's not just about the content! In your experience we'll also make sure you're eating well, having nourishing bodywork and rest, nature time and whatever else may be needed for your transformation and rejuvenation

Pricing and Booking

The cost will depend on factors such as time, location, desires, budget and the like. 

The minimum price begins at €4,000 for a budget-friendly weekend retreat with no accommodation or extras included, and can go up to €60,000 for a highly luxurious week-long getaway with additional coaching support before and after.

The first step is to book the consultation call or send me an email, we then discuss the desires and needs, budget and options. After that you'll be sent a proposal and a deposit amount to confirm your booking. 

Book your consultation call

The power of Eros...

Eros is our creative life-force, it is the energy that creates life, draws us to connection and drives our will to live. It is connected and part of Kundalini Shakti, the energy that runs through our body and fuels our awakening- The ecstatic current.

Living in a sex-negative and traumatized world, we have all kinds of limiting beliefs and programming that creates suffering, self hatred and dis-integration of the psyche. Most of us have grown up with various forms of trauma and separation of self, shame and judgments, especially around sex, love and relationships. Unfortunately, we all have work to do in this area because it's deeply embedded in our cultures. 

I am here to support people and couples to free themselves from the shackles of the conditioning, shame and trauma that stops us living as full expressions of love in the world. 

We work with Eros, desire and pleasure because Eros is the gateway to your power; and is often one of our most closed-off and traumatised spaces in our lives. Reclaiming our erotic power will make radical changes in all aspects of our life. 

We may just work somatically or through conversations and processes around themes with sexuality, or we may do embodied practices and rituals together to help you liberate this area. 

I'm kink-friendly, queer-friendly, Poly-Friendly and open minded person who has years of experience supporting people to become more free, self-expressed and empowered in all areas of their life.

Spirituality, Liberation and Awakening


My students and clients know me for my grounded approach to spirituality which is free from a lot of New-Age fluff, bypassing and problematic elements. My approaches are based on timeless spiritual wisdom which is non-dogmatic and encouraging you to explore and experiement for yourself, not simply adopt new beliefs and let go of your discernment. 

I work with 'Direct Realisation' traditions that emphasize your direct experience of 'the Divine' (god, source, the sacred... whatever you want to call it) and I focus on practical, applied spiritual practice that gets to 'the point' and supports you to live a more content, empowered, peaceful, joyful life with less suffering and more love.

Incorporating the philosophy of NonDual Tantra with modern-life approaches, I aim to support people in recognizing the way our wellbeing is deeply tied to our environment, systems of oppression and marginalization and other factors like diet, family and more, to see how we are intimately connected to the whole and then exploring how we can shift our perspective and our daily choices to come into thriving, wholeness and wellbeing. 

From my clients...


I have undertaken a variety of self-development and inner work practices and this was by far the most transformative.

The practices, compassion and acceptance that you gave to me allowed me to find the strength and courage within me to face some of my most painful wounds.

The transformation in this process was far larger and faster than I expected! Within a few sessions I found with ease my ability to set and hold boundaries, to hold space for myself and my fears, anger, doubt and pain in love, to care for my inner child, to find the wisdom and support I needed from within myself and to break free of the conditioning that held me back from experiencing my full potential. Through our journey together, I finally feel safe, I feel secure and I feel free to express myself in ways that I could never have imagined. You have inspired me and given me the tools to maintain a regular, daily, practice that continues to allow me to heal and transform, allowing me to release and let go of what no longer serves me and to actively acknowledge that I am perfect as I am.



From my clients...


"It is hard to put into words how profoundly beautiful this experience was. Luna and the team held us with such integrity and love, offering an abundance of teachings and delights to guide us deep into our sensual and awakened selves. I feel inspired, activated, deeply connected and attuned to the vast possibilities of pleasure, energy and presence within me."  




Learn Tantra and the Sensual Arts on Koh Phangan

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The goal of Tantra- What is Spiritual Freedom really?

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Body Control vs Body Wisdom

Oct 20, 2023

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